How to overcome the death of your loved one? How to deal with the pain of losing someone? It is a universal question, and everyone in this world goes through this pain.
Death is inevitable. We all know this truth, whoever takes birth on this planet, whether an animal, human being, or even God, has to die.
Death spares nobody. Still, apart from knowing this eternal (सनातन) truth, many people are not able to overcome the loss of their loved ones. It is one of the most challenging times in life. They go through this extreme pain of separation. They do not know how to overcome the death of their loved ones.
There is this story of a mother and her dead baby from Buddha’s life, which might help people understand that some things are not under our control, and death is one of those.
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Buddha teaches a lady how to overcome the death of a loved one
Once upon a time, a lady named Kisa Gotami with her dead baby came up to Buddha and pleaded with him to revive her child. Buddha agreed after seeing the mother’s pain, but he put forward one condition to the lady.

He said, “I will revive the child, but it requires a very vital ingredient to bring about the resurrection (पुनर्जीवन).”
The lady asks Buddha about that crucial ingredient. Buddha asks her to get him white mustard seeds. The lady readily agreed.
But the condition was that she has to get white mustard seeds from a house that has never seen death, i.e., a home where nobody has died.
The lady went to every house but could not find a home where nobody has died before. This condition of Buddha made her realize her mistake that everything is impermanent.
She went to Buddha, fell at his feet, and said that she understands what he was trying to convey through this exercise; she is not the only person who has suffered the loss of a loved one.
The lady bids adieu to her dead child with a sobbing and bursting heart. She was awakened and entered the first stage of Arhatship and eventually became an Arhat.
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Moral of the story:
The moral of the story is that death is inevitable. It is the eternal truth. It does not spare anyone.
Everyone has to go through the pain of the death of their loved ones. It could be your child, spouse, parents, siblings, friends, or anyone you love. One should not feel victimized by this and constantly question why this happens to me because it does not happen only to you but to everyone.
Cherish the memories of loved ones, the beautiful time you spent with them. It will help you in overcoming your miseries and move on.
The story presented here is straightforward, but the message it gives is profound. I hope it will help you to overcome the death of your loved ones.
Share this simple yet beautiful story on your Facebook and WhatsApp to help those who are in need. It takes a few seconds of your life but can do wonders for people going through this pain of separation.
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- 21 Puzzle Questions Answered By Gautama Buddha that you must read
- How to overcome the death of your loved one? Teaching from the life of Buddha
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