Long-distance relationships are complicated because you don’t get to see your partner/spouse every day. Moreover, there is sometimes doubt that movies, web series, books, and other people create within you that what if your partner is cheating or lying or hiding something from you. It is challenging to get over these thoughts and fully trust the other person in such a polarising and uncertain environment.
Here are 101+ Beautiful Long Distance Relationship Quotes With Pictures That Will Make You Love More Your Partner Who Is Far Away From You
Quotes on Long Distance Relationship
1. Long-distance relationships are hard, but they’re also incredible. If you can love, trust, respect, and support each other from a distance then you’ll be unstoppable once you’re physically together.

2. Distance teaches us to appreciate the days that we can spend together and distance teaches us the definition of patience. It is a reminder that every moment together is special, and every second together should be cherished.
3. When they work, long-distance relationships are the best sort of beautiful, I think. That a person could wait months, cross miles and oceans for a few short spectacular moments with the person they love, that’s it, you know, that’s what we’re all searching for. – Beau Taplin
4. In a long-distance relationship your love is tested & doubted every day, but you still prove to each other that it’s worth it. That is what makes the relationship so special. – Anon
5. Loving someone you don’t see every day is not a bad thing. It’s just a proof that love is not in sight but in the heart.

6. Distance between two hearts is not an obstacle; rather a beautiful reminder of just how strong true love can be.
7. When two hearts are meant for each other no distance is so far, no time is so long and no other love can break them apart. – Cat Stevens aka Yusuf Islam
8. Distance means so little when someone means so much.
9. Distance is not for the fearful, it is for the bold. It is for those who are willing to spend a lot of time alone in exchange for a little time with the one they love. It is for those knowing a good thing when they see it, even if they don’t see it nearly enough. – Meghan Daum
10. Absence is to love as wind is to fire; It extinguishes the small and kindles the great. – Roger de Bussy-Rabutin
11. No matter where you are, you will always be looking at the same moon as I am.
12. Love will travel as far as you let it. It has no limits. – Dee King
13. In human relationships, distance is not measured in miles but in affection. Two people can be right next to each other, yet miles apart.

14. Hearing your voice is far better than you touching me. Because even though I yearn for your skin to touch mine, it is your voice that touches my soul. – Anon
15. You know you’ve found true love when you catch yourself falling in love with the same person over and over again despite them being miles away from you. – Anon
16. True love doesn’t mean being inseparable; it means being separated and nothing changes.
17. Together forever, never apart. Sometimes in distance, but never in heart. – Anon
18. Sometimes you have to be apart from the people you love, but that doesn’t make you love them any less. Sometimes you love them more. – Nicholas Sparks
19. The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again. – Charles Dickens

20. Long-distance relationships prove that love has no boundaries. They prove that it can happen and it is possible for two people far away from each other, can fall in love even without meeting each other. But most importantly these relationships know no age and no distance.
21. Be the success story you’re looking for. Be the ones to survive your long-distance relationship. Be the inspiration for others to follow. – Dee King
22. I don’t cry because we’ve been separated by distance, and for a matter of years. Why? Because for as long as we share the same sky and breathe the same air, we’re still together. – Donna Lynn Hope
23. Being close is the first and last desire of lovers, but being far and loving each other without an inch’s difference is the characteristic of real love. – Senora Ray
24. Maybe, it’s not the distance that’s the problem, but how you handle it. – David Levithan
25. If ever there is tomorrow when we’re not together…there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we’re apart…I’ll always be with you. – Alan Alexander Milne
26. You’re my Nemo. If you get lost in the great big ocean, I will find you. – Anon
27. In true love the smallest distance is too great, and the greatest distance can be bridged. – Hans Nouwens
28. No matter where I am, no matter where I go, your heart is my northern light, I will always find my way home. – Michael Kilby
29. Distance never separates two hearts that really care, for our memories span the miles and in seconds we are there. But whenever I start feeling sad, because I miss you, I remind myself how lucky I am to have someone so special to miss.
30. Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart. – Kay Knudsen

31. No matter how far you manage to go, the distance will never be able to erase those beautiful memories. There is so much goodness that we shared together. – Lucy Aims
32. Sometimes I just sit in front of the computer dreaming. I have food in front of me but no appetite to eat it. All because my heart misses you and my mind is dreaming about you. – Sandra Toms
33. I dropped a tear in the ocean. The day you find it is the day I will stop missing you…
34. Does distance really matter? You love your favorite actor, drool for your favorite singer, and wait patiently for the next art from your favorite artist or writer. Why not the one you love? – Jane Morsel
35. Distance makes the heart grow fonder. – Thomas Haynes Bayly
36. Your absence has not taught me how to be alone, it merely has shown that when together we cast a single shadow on the wall. – Doug Fetherling

37. Love knows not distance; it hath no continent; its eyes are for the stars. – Gilbert Parker
38. A good relationship is worth the wait.
39. Together forever, never apart. Maybe in distance, but never in heart.
40. Let distance be another reason to love harder than any couple should.
41. The few hours I spend with you are worth the thousand hours I spend without you.
42. Closeness has nothing to do with distance.
43. If distance were measured in terms of the heart, we’d never be more than a minute apart.
44. Definition of Long-distance relationships: “Inconveniently the most effective way to find out if you really love each other. It will either make or break you.”
45. The longer you have to wait for something, the more you will appreciate it when it finally arrives. The harder you have to fight for something, the more priceless it will become once you achieve it. And the more pain you have to endure on your journey, the sweeter the arrival at your destination. All good things are worth waiting for and worth fighting for. – Susan Gale
46. They knew it. Time, distance, nothing could separate them. Because they knew. It was right. It was real.
47. You can’t just give up on someone because the situation is not ideal. Great relationships aren’t great because they have no problems. They’re great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.
48. Miles and miles between us, expensive plane tickets, long waits between visits, poor internet connections, nights spent alone, but you’re more than worth it.

49. No matter how far you are, I will wait for you until we can finally be together.
50. Every night I pray, I’ll have you here someday. I’ll count the stars tonight, and hope with all my might: That when I close my eyes, you’ll be right by my side.
More Long Distance Relationship Quotes
51. However far away
I will always love you
However long I stay
I will always love you
Whatever words I say
I will always love you.
– The Cure – Lovesong
52. I wonder why people still underestimate the authenticity of long-distance relationships. I fell in love with his soul before I could even touch his skin. If that isn’t true love, then please tell me what is.

53. It seemed that we loved each other better when there were large swaths of two continents between us. The daily work of love was often hard to perform at home. – Aleksandar Hemon
54. I don’t want to spend the rest of my life texting, emailing snap chatting, and messaging you on Facebook. I want to hold you, touch you, and hear you whisper my name in the same space and the same time zone.
55. We are like islands in the sea, separate on the surface but connected in the deep. – William James
56. When you are away I try to keep my mind away from you, but it’s like a magnet. I can’t help, but think about you when you are not here with me. This is love! – Kemis Khan
57. You know, I’ll be loving you still. The nights are lonely, the days are so sad and I just keep thinking about the love that we had. And I’m missing you and nobody knows it but me. – Shayne Ward
58. There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real.
59. Even though we are miles apart from each other, nothing will ever change the feeling that I have for you, you mean everything to me and I’d be lost without you. – Nishan Panwar
60. Long distance relationship is one of the best relationships… It’s really sweet to see two patient hearts that are willing to wait because they think that everything is worth it anyway… Yes, it’s hard not being together physically, you cannot hold each other’s hand… You cannot kiss and hug each other, but still, you know that one day you will…
61. Although I’m a thousand miles away from you, I can hear you in every heartbeat. I can’t spend one moment without thinking of you. I miss you, sweetheart.
62. A morning text doesn’t only mean “Good morning.” It also means “I think about you when I wake up.”
63. Missing someone is part of loving them. Not until you are apart, do you realize how much they mean to you. – Nikhil Saluja
64. When you love someone, they never get lost; wherever they go, they are still somewhere in your heart, and as long as they know that, they will always know that when they find you, they find themselves once again. – Bernajoy Vaal
65. And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. – Khalil Gibran
66. The thought of you is constantly occupying my mind, but when I turn around looking for you, you’re never found. I love you and that’s a thing I can’t deny, I think of you and a tear, drop in my eye.
67. Distance doesn’t ruin a relationship, doubts do.

68. Whenever you feel a warm breeze brush against you, that’s the kiss I blew to you!
69. One day we will never have to say Goodbye, only Goodnight!
70. We are the perfect couple, we’re not just in the perfect situation.
71. Good night, hope to meet up with you in my dreams!
72. Sometimes the two people who are truly best for each other will have to face greater obstacles to be with each other.
73. When I’m with you, hours feel like seconds. When we are apart, days feel like years!

74. Intimacy is not purely physical. It’s the act of connecting with someone so deeply, you feel like you can see into their soul.
75. Nobody said long-distance relationships were easy but no one said it will be so damn hard. I miss you so so much and today is one of those days where all I want is a huge hug from no one else but you.
76. Distance doesn’t ruin relationships. You don’t have to see someone every day to stay in love!
77. I don’t like waiting, I’m so impatient. But I’ll wait forever, as long as I end up with you.
78. Missing someone isn’t about how long it has been since you’ve seen them or the amount of time since you’ve talked. It’s about that very moment when you find yourself doing something and wishing they were right there by your side.
79. Long-distance relationships prove that love has no boundaries. They prove that it can happen and it is possible for two people far away from each other, can fall in love even without meeting each other. But most importantly these types of relationships know no age and no distance.
80. A long-distance relationship isn’t hard at all, it’s just a matter of trust, commitment, and holding on. – Ritu Ghatourey
81. It’s better to love someone who’s far and craves to be with you than to love someone who’s near yet doesn’t even care to see you.
82. Long distance relationship is not gonna work out without love, loyalty, and trust.

83. Don’t tell me long-distance relationships don’t work out, because as far as I can see local relationships don’t work any better.
84. Sometimes my eyes get jealous of my heart. Because you always remain close to my heart and far from my eyes.
85. No, I’m not single. I am in a long-distance relationship because my soulmate lives in the future.
86. Missing someone special to you brings tears to your eyes, but remembering all the good times you had brings a smile to your face. – Nishan Panwar
87. No matter the distance between us, I am as close to you today as I was yesterday, for as long as you are in my heart, we are never truly far apart. – Nishan Panwar
88. The distance between us may be miles and years but it will not change the fact I hope you are missing me too. – Tammi Post
89. Missing someone gets easier every day because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will.
90. As the seconds, minutes, days and months pass by with this distance between us my love, I realize how much I miss you; but this missing you thing is worth it knowing that someday we shall be in each other’s arms.
91. I wish you were with me so I can tell you directly how much you mean to me. I’ll hold you tight and hug you near my heart so that you can hear what it’s trying to whisper, You’re the reason why I’m beating.
92. The hardest thing about you being gone isn’t missing you so very much. It’s noticing how different life is without you. I love you, even though the miles.
93. Waiting for you to come back home to me is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I love you, my soldier, my hero, my husband.
94. Long-distance relationships do not rely on physical love, long-distance relationships are driven by the love that inspires your heart, mind, and soul.
95. Sometimes I get really upset about being in a long-distance relationship because I’m always so lonely. But then I realize how lucky I am to have someone who loves me even with the distance.
96. Distance is a test of love. Many will fail for those who can’t withstand it, but for those who can there’s only one answer and that is true love.
97. I exist in two places, here and where you are. – Margaret Atwood
98. Distance should not stop you. If you really want someone, you’ll make it work. Nothing would stop you. Nothing would matter.
99. Long distance relationship is for the people who don’t just believe but know that, they will be together, that time is not against them, but instead on their side that with every hour that was flown by, is an hour closer to being together.
100. The value of love is slowly lost when we have way too much. There is just no time to appreciate it. It is in times of separation and distance that you truly understand the meaning of love. – Tiffany Health
101. Absence diminishes small loves and increases great ones, as the wind blows out the candle and blows up the bonfire.
102. How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard? – A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh
103. The scariest thing about distance is you don’t know if they’ll miss you or forget about you. – Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook
104. The tough part of having a long-distance relationship is the fight. Normal people can fight and make up by talking face to face. That gets a lot more difficult in a long-distance relationship. – Darren Klee
105. When you feel alone, just look at the spaces between your fingers, remember that in those spaces you can see my fingers locked with yours forever.
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